List of Publications


1-   Abbas,Hilmi & H, Aloufi & MA, Ibrahim. (2020). A review on SARS-CoV-2: theorigin, taxonomy, transmission, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 11. 052-066.10.30574/gscbps.2020.11.3.0156.


2-   Osman H, Elmamoun M, A. Elgamel A. The COVID-19 situation in Sudan. Plus,a possible life-saving intervention? Int J Res Publ. 2020;61(1).


3-   Osman HI, Abdalla MS. Fatal familial insomnia. Int JSci Res Publ [Internet]. 2018;8(2):560. Available from:



4-   Abdelwahab, Muhanad& Mohammad, Mukhallad&Abdelwhab,

Muhanad& Mohamed, Mazin&Bellal, Mansour & Soyinka, Julius. (2019).

Basic Pharmacology of N G-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 19. 10.9734/JAMPS/2018/46307.


5-   Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin& Musa, Omer. (2017). Normal values of

Hemoglobin A 1c (Hb A 1c ) in non-diabetic adults. International Journal of

Scientific and Research Publications. 7. 131-133.


6-   Abdelwhab,Muhanad& Mohammad, Mukhallad& Mohamed Abdelwahab&Bellal, Mansour & Mohamed, Mazin. (2019). Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chains. Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal. 8. 1-7. 10.9734/CA/2019/46305.


7-   Beheiry,Hind & Ali, Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin& Sharif, Ahmed & Saeed,

Amal. (2018). Correlations of complete blood count, liver enzyme and serum uric Acid in Sudanese pre-eclamptic cases. International Journal of Reproduction,Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 7. 1308.



8-   Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin. (2017). Educational Management, EducationalAdministration and Educational Leadership: Definitions and General concepts.10.21276/sasjm.2017.3.12.2.


9-   Mohamed, Mazin& Ibrahim, Muntaser&Abdelwhab, Muhanad. (2019). Angiotensin 1-7: A Second Window of Protection in Hypertensive Patients. Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal. 1-7. 10.9734/ca/2019/v8i230095.


10-Mohamed,Mazin& Ali, Ibrahim & Bashir, Azza& Musa, Omer. (2020).

Relationship of Body Mass Index with Blood Pressure Levels Among SudaneseAdults Living in Khartoum State.


11-Mohamedelmogtaba,E & Ali, Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin& Musa, Omer. (2020). OriginalArticle Effect of Chronic Water-Pipe/Shisha Smoking on Lung Function Tests Compared to Cigarette Smoking Among Sudanese Adult Males Living in Khartoum State. 27-34.


12-Abdelwhab,Muhanad&Mohamemed, Am & Mohamed, Abdelwahab&Bellal, Mansour &Mohamed, Mazin&Gerez, Fernandes& Martins, &Evora, PRB &Evora,Barbosa. (2019). Article no.CA.46305 Reviewers: (1) Aşkın Ender Topal.


13-Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin. (2017). Implementation of Problem Base Learning as a new Concept in Medical Schools. 10.21276/sasjm.2017.3.12.3.


14-Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin&Abdalla, Ahmed &Abdalla, Omnia. (2017).

The Association between Community-Based Medical Education (CBME) & Career Preference. 10.21276/sjm.2017.2.7.3.


15-Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin&Abdalla, Ahmed &Abdalla, Omnia. (2017).

Medical Professionalism. 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.10.


16-Ali,Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin&Abdalla, Ahmed &Abdalla, Omnia. (2017).

Educational Challenges, Obstacles and Critical Incidents in Problem Base

Learning (PBL) Tutorial Group. 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.9.


17-Beheiry,M &Eltohami, Ahmed & Ibrahim, Ibrahim & Mohamed, Mazin& Ali,



18-Osman HI, Abdalla MS. Fatal familial insomnia. Int J Sci Res Publ [Internet]. 2018;8(2):560. Available


19-Osman HI. BIID : What do we know? [Internet]. International Journal of Research Publication (IJRP.ORG). 2018. Available from:



20-I. Osman H, F. Elmardi D. AIWS: Introduction, Overview and Literature Review. Int J Sci Res Publ. 2019 Feb 6;9(2):p8615.


21-I. Osman H. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Based on a true

story. 1st ed. Lambert Academic Publishing; 2019.


22-Osman HI. “ LOCKED - IN ” SYNDROME “ Loc ked- in ” Syndrome :

Introduction , Overview and Literature Review Hassan I . Osman School of

Medicine – Napata College – Khartoum , Sudan • Contact Information : Article

type : Review article “ LOCKED - IN ” SYNDROME. IJRP [Internet].

2019;40(1):1–6. Available from:


23-Osman HI, Osman RI, Review L. Alien Hand Syndrome:

Introduction, literature review and overview. IJRP. 2019;40(1):1–6.


24-Osman HI, Osman RI. Commotio Cordis: Introduction, Overview and Literature Review. IJRP [Internet]. 2020;50(1). Available from:


25-Osman RI, Osman HI. An overview of aortic stenosis ( AS ):

what we know and when should we intervene ? IJRP. 2021;77(1):115–23.


26-I. Osman H, Elmamoun M, A. Elgamel A. The COVID-19 situation in Sudan. Plus, a possible life-saving intervention? Int J Res Publ. 2020;61(1):1–11.



27-Hassan Ibrahim BE, Alaaeldin OsmanA. Effect of physical activity status and dietary habits on pulmonaryfunctions. J Mol Pathophysiol.



28-Abdelwahab,Muhanad& Mohammad, Mukhallad&Abdelwhab, Muhanad& Mohamed,Mazin&Bellal, Mansour & Soyinka, Julius. (2019). Basic Pharmacology of N G-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 19. 10.9734/JAMPS/2018/46307.



Abdelwhab,Muhanad& Mohammad, Mukhallad& Mohamed,

Abdelwahab&Bellal, Mansour & Mohamed, Mazin. (2019). Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chains. Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal. 8. 1-7. 10.9734/CA/2019/46305.



Mohamed,Mazin& Ibrahim, Muntaser&Abdelwhab, Muhanad. (2019). Angiotensin 1-7: A Second Window of Protection in Hypertensive Patients. Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal. 1-7. 10.9734/ca/2019/v8i230095.


31-Abdelwhab,Muhanad&Mohamemed, Am & Mohamed, Abdelwahab&Bellal, Mansour & Mohamed, Mazin&Gerez, Fernandes& Martins, &Evora, PRB &Evora,Barbosa. (2019). Article no.CA.46305 Reviewers: (1) Aşkın Ender Topal.


32-Ahmed,NahidOsman & Saeed, Ali. (2021). Pharmacists knowledge and contribution during coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic in Sudan, 2020. Matrix Science Medica.5. 31. 10.4103/MTSM.MTSM_43_20.


33-Ali Awadallah Saeed and Ahmed Mustafa Khidir. Review article Aspartame Sweetener, World Journal of pharmac and pharmaceutical sciences, volume 9, issue 2, 2020, PP 195-201.


34-Ahmed Mustafa Khidir and Al Awadallah Saeed. Glutathione Peptide, World Journal of pharmacy an pharmaceutical sciences, volume 9, issue 2, 2020, PP 202-211.


35-Ahmed Mustafa K, Hassan MohamedAli Mustafa A, Hatim Ali M.A, Haythum Abdel-Rahim B, Nihal Izzeldeen M.G, Nad Abdelgadir, Ali Awadallah Saeed. PH- Sensitive Liposomes and application. Worl Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, volume 9, issue 2, 2020, P 212-228.


36-A Mustafa Khidir M. A., M Al-sayi A., Ali Awadallah Saeed. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Application. Worl Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Volume 9, issue 2, 2020, P 229-239.


37-Elwalid Isameldin, Ali Awadal-la Saeed, Tarig Mohamed Hassan and Mohamed Awad Mousnad. Self – Medicatio practice among patients living in Soba-Sudan. Health and Primary care, Volum 4, 2020, PP 1-5.


38-Ahmed Musta-fa Khidir, Al Awadallah Saeed, Mousnad Mohamed Awad. Awareness of Pharmacists toward Aspartame side effects in Khartoum city, SUDAN, July 2020 . Universal Journa of Pharma-ceutical Researc 5(3):17-20.


39-Tm, Hassan & Saeed, Ali Awad, Mousnad. (2020). Evaluation of Drug Use at Four Hospitals in Khartoum Sudan. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 3. 2642.0.23880/jqhe-16000150.


40- Abubaker Aldosh, Kholoud Hamad Ali Hashim, Aziza Mohammed, Osman Babiker, Ali Awadallah Saeed, Mohamed A Mousnad. Thromboprophylaxis Impact In Patients Undergoing Major Orthopedi Surgery In Sudan. Universal journal of pharmaceutical research, Volume 5, Issu 3, 2020, PP 44-47.


41- Awad, Mousnad & Saeed, Ali (2020). Awareness of Sudanese Married Women among the Use of Hormona Contraceptive. 3. 1-6. 10.23880/jqhe-16000178.


42-Osman Abdalrhman Osman, Al Awadallah Saeed, Mohamed Awad Mousnad, Azza Hamid, Assessment of The Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Healthy Without Diabetes In Sudan Using The Findris Tool. Volume 5, Issue 4, 2020, 37-41.


43-Ali Awadallah Saeed, Lamee Abdelrhman, Lamiaa Saad, Marah Om-ran1, Inas Osman1, Adherence of Health-Car Providers to Hypertensio Management Guidelines in Khartoum, Sudan, 2020 Matrix Science Medica, Volume 4, Issue 4, October-December 2020, 116-120.


44- Az-zaAbdelilah Ahmed Mohamed, Ma Abdalla Humaida, Ali Awadallah Saeed, Sudanese Experience Of Herbal Formula Used During Covid-19 Infectio, November 2020,Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 5(5):39-42.


45- Ali Awadallah Saeed, Mohamed Eid Salman Ahmed, Mostafa Abboud, Braah Sami. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practic Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency Among Community Pharmacists and Prescribin Doctors in Khartoum city, Sudan, 2020. Matrix Science Pharma, Volume 4, Issu 2, July-December 2020, 41-44.


46-Ali Awadallah Saeed, Naira Saeed1 Fatima Mahmoud, Marina Ez-zat, Mohamed El Mojtaba, Ola Hamza, Mai Abdalla Humaida. Assessment of Community Pharmacist’s Involvement in Health Promotio and Education Activities of Patients in Khartoum, 2020, Matrix Science Pharma Volume 4 , Issue 2, July-December 2020, 45-49.


47-Mussab Salah, Ali Awadallah Saeed,Mai Abdallah Humaida, Tarig M Hassan. The Practice and perception of hospita Pharmacists towards errors in Dispensing Medicines and their possible causes in Omdurman Military Hospital, Sudan. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutica Research,Volume 5, Issue 5, September- October, 2020.


48-Mohamed Awad Mousnad, Ali Awadalla Saeed, Azza Hamid. Sudanese Pharmacy Students: Career Intentions, Expectation And Factors Affecting Their Choices, Hebatallah Alhemadey. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020; 5(6):6-12.


49-Ahmed, Nahid Osman & Saeed Ali. (2021). Pharmacists knowledge and contribution during coronaviru disease-2019 pandemic in Sudan, 2020. Matrix Science Medica. 5. 3110.4103/MTSM.MTSM_43_20.

50-S.H. Hamad* 1 , A.M. Musa*2 , E.A.G. Khalil* 2 ,Genetic variation among Sudanese Leishmnaia donovani: an origin and evolution ,Napata Scientific Journal, 2022 Vol.1 (1) pp 3-16



·51-Yasmin Hassan Elshiekh,Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Ziziphus spina-christi (L.)Leaves extracts, Napata Scientific Journal, 2022,  Vol.1 (1) pp. 17-29


·52-Z. A. Hilmi (1,2) , H. H.EL-Kamali (3)* , A. M. Aldai (3), Phytochemical Analysis of Ethanolic Extracts of Three Sudanese Tribulus species ,Napata Scientific Journal, 2022, Vol.1 (1)

pp. 30-44




